by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext
What the mainstream media is hiding
The more effective alternative medicine is, the more popular it is and the more likely it is to threaten its continued existence. Because their success endangers the profits of an overpowering opponent who can destroy them. Their humble future lies in the health economics niche where word of mouth leads – under the radar of big business. Positive thinkers are in for a rude awakening.
Does alternative medicine have a future? “Of course! Stupid question!” users say indignantly. Don’t they experience in their practices day after day how much natural and experiential healing, holistic, energetic, and spiritual healing can achieve? “Yes, stupid question!”, grateful patients agree. Only there did they find what they had hoped for in vain as long as they only trusted conventional doctors.
Do they need to be allowed to feel validated by survey results? Accordingly, alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular among the population. A clear majority now describe themselves as open to unconventional healing methods, have already tried at least one, and would like them to be included in the public health system. As early as 2002, the health monitor showed that less than a third of the population had not yet come into contact with alternative medicine; Even back then, 37% said they would “definitely” or “probably” recommend alternative healing methods to a good friend with persistent health problems. (1) In 2010, the Allensbach Institute for Demoscopy surveyed 70% of the adult population in Germany who had used natural remedies – in 1970, it was only 52%. Only 8% consider natural remedies to be generally ineffective. When the opinion research institute Kantar surveyed a sample of 1,050 Germans between the ages of 16 and 64 in the spring of 2018, the result was that 75% of those surveyed supported the combination of conventional medicine and “complementary therapies such as natural medicine and homeopathy.” At least 65% of all German citizens would even engage in spiritual healing if necessary, which is probably the most controversial and ill-reputed alternative form of healing. (2)
Even artificial intelligence spreads confidence. When I recently fed the acclaimed AI “ChatGPT,” the title of this article, it decided within seconds: “Alternative medicine definitely has a future, remains an important part of the healthcare system,” and will “continue to gain in importance.”” How come? Because “many people are looking for holistic approaches to treating illness or improving their overall well-being.” (3)
The medical profession is changing course – or so it seems.
For thousands of years, doctors have formed the elite unit of public health protection. Hasn’t there been a remarkable change of attitude within their ranks? In reality, strict “conventional doctors” are already in the minority within the German medical profession. (4) 95 percent of all general practitioners already use so-called “alternative” procedures: an average of four. The spectrum ranges from homeopathy to neural therapy and acupuncture to anthroposophical healing methods. Three out of four doctors have been working with such procedures for at least two years, and almost half have been working with these procedures for over five years. Only 41 percent still describe themselves as pure “conventional doctors.” 48 percent see themselves as “conventional doctors with alternative tendencies,” and eight percent even as outright “alternative doctors.” More than half consider criticism of conventional medicine to be necessary, while another 43 percent consider it appropriate, at least in individual cases. Three out of four doctors complain that their training was one-sidedly scientifically focused. 83 percent believe that alternative treatment methods are neglected in further training by the medical associations. (5) In the neighboring Netherlands, nine out of ten general practitioners refer their patients to alternative therapists (6); 59 percent of their British colleagues are already doing the same thing. (7)
These survey values come from the end of the last century. Shouldn’t alternative medicine now be met with even greater sympathy among doctors? Won’t their rethinking inevitably cause quite a stir? After all, doctors have always enjoyed an outstanding reputation – around 90 percent of the population have a high opinion of them. Firefighters alone exceed their social prestige.
U-turn-Are you kidding me?
First of all, it should be taken into account: The surveys cited took place among practicing physicians. However, the public health system is managed by the universities and affiliated clinics. The fortresses of materialistic, technophilic, pharmaceutical-heavy conventional medicine have always stood there. And very little has changed in the past few decades, on the contrary. Anyone who steers clear of this risk of having their career cut short. Chairs in alternative medicine and large-scale “alternative” research projects continue to be rare.
Anyone who trained as a doctor there usually finds it completely normal and without alternative how their profession deals with those seeking help in so-called hospitals. He tends to accept that modern medicine has developed from the art of healing into an industry that tries to produce the product “free from symptoms” with ever-increasing use of technology and material consumption – and is increasingly reaching its limits in the process. Today, a modern hospital is more like a factory, which differs from large companies in the consumer goods industry only in terms of the product but not fundamentally in the work organization. In this production machine, the doctor becomes a small, externally driven cog with a limited function; He is more often concerned with controlling bureaucratic and technical processes than with the people who carry them out.
If he flees into his own cash register practice, he no longer only has to feed his receptionists but, above all, his machines. The need to amortize ever more expensive devices is becoming a nerve-wracking cost burden – and a driving force for diagnostics and therapy. Such conditions favor a type of doctor who reads the condition of his patients from the cross sum of vital data, laboratory values , and digital indices – and lets everything fall through the cracks that cannot be identified as a measurable deviation from the data norm that can be represented in numbers. Nothing disturbs this type of doctor more than the aspect of suffering that he only recognizes in his patient’s face and cannot find on the computer monitor. What falls by the wayside is the only activity that cannot be industrialized and delegated to automatons: the patient, sensitive, compassionate conversation with the sick person. With the stopwatch, the Hamburg doctor Dr. Stephan Ahrens found in three of his colleagues’ practices that the “conversation phase dominated by the chronically ill patient averaged 0.11 minutes” – seven seconds. (8) Only 28 percent of doctors even address the concerns their patients are trying to describe – and interrupt after an average of 23 seconds. (9)
Hardly any statutory health insurance doctor enjoys such working conditions. The majority groan at this but see no other choice, consent – and console themselves with how handsomely they earn.
Under such circumstances, “practicing alternative medicine” cannot be far off. All too often, it becomes exhausted by occasionally preferring natural active ingredients over synthetic ones: for example, in the case of inner restlessness and sleep disorders, prescribing valerian and melatonin instead of benzodiazepines, in the case of feverish colds, Pulsatilla instead of paracetamol, in the case of high blood pressure, pine bark extract instead of an ACE inhibitor. No, this is not a different medicine – just an occasional preference for a different product segment.
“For medicine with more spirit and soul”: The striking motto of my Ways Out Foundation/Charity certainly meets the primary concern of the vast majority of doctors, including private practice doctors and those working clinically. Nobody works without brains and hearts. Most of them are genuinely doing their best – but they are serving a perverted economic system that feels better off the worse off those seeking help are.
In order not to despair, become jaded, and burn out, many people take refuge in the relative freedom of a private practice. What they miss just as painfully as we do is the spirit of helping and healing – and “soul” in the sense of compassion and empathy, appreciation and care. A therapist who preserves both is not just concerned with symptoms but primarily with their carrier. The way he feels is more important to him than the findings. He is not only interested in repairing a defective biomachine as profitably as possible – he sees and respects the whole person in the sick fellow human being as a disturbed unity of body, mind, and soul that needs to be restored and preserved. And in doing so, it not only makes human medicine more humane, but also more effective.
Will it, therefore, primarily be holistically oriented private doctors who will lead alternative medicine into a rosy future in alliance with experienced, successful alternative practitioners, healers, and other unconventional therapists?
Surveys deceive wishful thinkers.
The considerable popularity that alternative medicine has enjoyed for some time in demographic surveys belies the fact that encounters with alternative medicine usually remain superficial and fleeting. Many people seeking help swallow globules in the same mental state as a pill; They get acupuncture needles inserted like they get an injection – without a deeper understanding of what is happening, but with the expectation that it will make symptoms disappear immediately. If there is no lightning-fast relief, the majority will quickly turn away.
Monetary matters soon dampen enthusiasm. Alternative healing methods are part of two-tier medicine: Because health insurance companies only cover them in exceptional cases and with expensive additional tariffs, patients usually have no choice but to pay for them out of their own pocket. And that sooner or later overwhelms the majority of people. Especially with chronic illnesses, one or two sessions are hardly ever enough. Invoice amounts quickly reach four figures. Only wealthy people are unaffected by this.
The sobering lesson of the Corona years
Anyone who still has illusions about the growth potential of natural and empirical medicine has not learned enough from three unspeakable Corona years. The pandemic presented an opportunity to open a new chapter in the history of medicine: the global healing of sick health systems. Because it offered plenty of opportunities to reflect on what health actually means and what it preserves and restores. It could have shown humanity how foolish and expensive, how unproductive and dangerous it can be to rely one-sidedly on industry-controlled, pharmaceutical-heavy conventional medicine. Naturopaths have always known what protects us from all kinds of infectious diseases – and how to treat them effectively if they catch us. They could have exposed the fact that we were “unprotected” against the supposed “killer germ” from Wuhan as long as there were no vaccines as a crazy phrase – with the point that we still have an immune system that can be strengthened in ways that have long been known to win defensive battles against all kinds of pathogens.
But alternative medicine didn’t even have a say. Instead, they were censored, mocked, denounced and silenced. The sad truth of the coronoid crisis years includes the sober admission of the shockingly insignificant role that politics and the media now trust and grant to holistic medicine focused on prevention and holistic healing in protecting the health of the population. It remains on the sidelines, locked out of relevant expert commissions and TV discussion groups, ridiculed as a placebo belief that is remote from evidence and even as a danger to public health. Others spoke. From spring 2020, a propaganda roller rolled across the globe, mercilessly flattening everything that stood in its way. Do you seriously recommend vitamin D and zinc against a SARS-CoV-2 infection? Disinformant! Fake news producer! Swearer!
Was it different before? Could this be changed in the future? There are touchingly naive ideas about this circulating in the alternative health scene. Some people think that you just have to learn how to put together a professional press release with a clever headline and a crisp lead, with less technical jargon and sentence tapeworms. Others are in favor of splurging on an expensive advertisement, hiring a PR office, distributing flyers, hanging up posters, holding information events, diligently writing letters to the editor, sending out nice newsletters, and having an attractive website designed.
In reality, you’re like someone trying to stop an approaching tsunami by blowing your cheeks at it on the beach. The Goliath that the David of alternative medicine is competing against is one of the most powerful industries on the planet, with annual sales well beyond the trillion mark, fantastic profit margins – and almost unlimited financial opportunities to make everything subservient or to put it aside could influence the market opportunities of their products: from the opinion leaders of the medical profession, professional societies and guideline commissions to specialist magazines, conference organizers and media houses, ministries and authorities. An army of lobbyists is working on her behalf, as are global marketing groups, especially the notorious “Big Four”: WPP, Omnicom, IPG, and Publicis. (10) This has long since created a global network of corruption. According to Danish medical professor Peter Goetzsche, their unscrupulous masterminds are “worse than the mafia.” (11) In order to maximize profits, she literally goes overboard. (12)
This mafia is, of course, opposed to “complementary” medicine or even “integrative.” How could it accept or even “include” an “addition” that jeopardizes its profits? Their business model works better the more people become patients, the sooner they become patients, and the longer they stay there. Your great source of profit is the chronically long-term ill, who can be diagnosed and operated on in a complex manner and treated with medication and medical technology. Alternative medicine sabotages this business: it relies on prevention, strengthening self-healing powers, uncovering and eliminating underlying causes, and sustainably getting healthy and staying healthy. What could the medical-industrial complex and its investors ultimately gain from this? Such an economic debacle must be prevented. By all means.
A venal institution called “science” plays a fatal key role in this. Reflecting the scientific zeitgeist, ChatGPT only sees “a future” for alternative medicine if it is “based on solid scientific findings.” Therefore, it is “important that research and studies are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these therapies.” (13) Of course, the mafia claims to set the standards for “science” for itself, as well as the authority to interpret what can be considered reliable “evidence” and “proof of effectiveness.” The holy cow of medical research is the randomized controlled trial (RCT), preferably multicenter and with several thousand test subjects. Big Pharma can easily cover the horrendous costs of this. But hardly any “alternative” ever manages it. Without generous research funding, no research. This results in the dead-end argument that alternative medicine lacks an “evidence basis” – as if the accumulated wealth of knowledge from centuries-old healing traditions, medical experience, the condition of those treated, and extensive case collections were inferior “evidence” from the outset. (14)
Although ultimately: hope dies.
Although, according to a favorite motto of positive thinkers, “hope dies last,” under such circumstances, there is precious little to suggest that it will survive unscathed. We are heading towards a world in which any criticism of pharmaceutical-controlled conventional medicine or any reference to alternative treatment options will be viewed as “fake news” or “disinformation.” Anyone who represents them is prevented from publishing, discredited, ridiculed, excluded, and existentially threatened.
The control instruments for this are largely available. Some of them were already used during the pandemic. As a matter of course, they continue to be used – and are being systematically expanded. News agencies, large print media, and public broadcasters: once the fourth power in the state, they now mostly act as if they have been brought into line, to the shame of critical journalists who continue to feel committed to their professional ethics. And outside of it, on the Internet? Bought “fact checkers” continue to attack professed alternative medicine practitioners and their advocates; Wikipedia and online dirt-slingers like “Psiram” are ruining their reputation; Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram make unpopular posts invisible and prevent them from being distributed further. Rebellious accounts are subjected to a “shadow ban,” which causes posts to disappear from their followers’ newsfeeds and/or pushes them miles down wherever they appear, where hardly anyone in their right mind scrolls anymore. Google places links to non-compliant websites so far back that they only appear in search queries somewhere between the hundredth and thousandth hits.
Upload filters are in the works to ensure that “bad” content doesn’t even end up online; sniffing AI that constantly searches the web for disreputable keywords and word combinations in order to track down the authors of “misleading” posts and to mark and delete any information that does not come from “trustworthy,” i.e., system-compliant sources; Monitoring systems even for private emails, cell phone messages and chats (15). Leading politicians are calling for “forfeitable licenses” that can be granted to social media users but can also be revoked if they violate “law and order.” Germany’s Interior Minister wants to create a central “advice center” that citizens can turn to in confidence if they “observe or suspect radicalization among family members, friends or colleagues due to a growing belief in conspiracy.” (16)
Across the EU, the Digital Services Act (DSA) ensures that network operators must relentlessly remove any content that is considered “disinformation,” “hate speech,” or “hate speech” or face draconian fines. In order to enforce the DSA in Germany, a “coordination point” is currently being created within the Federal Network Agency, which will set up a “user-friendly complaint management system” – in other words, a contact point for informers. A number of them have existed for a long time, such as “Respect,”, the Internet Complaints Office, Youth Support, the “Hate Competence Network on the Internet,” and “HessenGegenHetze.” (17) In response to anonymous reports received at such collection points, police “harassments” and house searches occasionally take place; All you have to do is post or even share suspected “disinformation” on a social medium. Anyone who rails against the government and the judiciary all too loudly – for example, because they well-foundedly see the health policy of the Corona years as a state crime – can become a case for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution for “delegitimizing state organs/Verfassungsschutz.”
In France, vaccination opponents and advocates of alternative medicine are now facing up to three years in prison and fines of up to 45,000 euros. On February 14, 2024, the National Assembly passed draft law 2157, which effectively ends medical information and freedom of expression: It prohibits any criticism of “medical treatments” that are “obviously suitable, according to the state of science,” to treat diseases or “Avert serious consequences for physical or mental health.” “The “fight against sectarian deviations” must be “strengthened” (“Renforcer la lutte against les dérives sectaires”).
This Parisian censorship monster, dubbed the “Pfizer law” by critics, gives rise to fears of the worst because it could set a precedent internationally. The United Nations (18), the WHO, the World Economic Forum (19), billionaire, and mission-conscious people-blissers like Bill Gates (20) are working purposefully towards this. The global control of the flow of information that they are after threatens anyone who dares to question conventional medicine, the benefits, and safety of its measures and medications, points out its risks and dangers, and advises against them. Will anyone who praises unconventional healing methods soon become a “sectarian deviant”? Anyone who dares to warn that a new vaccine could be less effective and more dangerous than the Health Minister, the RKI President, and willing experts claim has one foot in prison? And if such misconduct is combined with a social credit system based on the Chinese model (21) – which many Western technocrats dream of – then penetrative lateral thinkers risk exclusion and access blocking, travel bans, and the withdrawal of means of communication. They risk no longer being allowed to use public transport, no longer being able to get credit, social benefits, and subsidies, and losing out when looking for an apartment. Not to mention social ostracism.
Alternative doctors will not be spared from such developments as soon as they open their mouths. And once again their professional organizations will not lift a finger for them. Guidelines are in the works that will limit what they can say online. (22) If they dare to contradict health authorities, they will be threatened with losing their approval in the future.
For the time being, there are increasing control options. But haven’t the Corona years sufficiently shown us how quickly totalitarianism based on biosecurity requirements can overtake us – 90 percent supported by successfully frightened, agitated fellow citizens? Is it out of the question that they will allow themselves to be seduced again into acting as followers, claqueurs, and useful idiots full of blind hatred and bottomless stupidity against those who don’t like masks, those who are tired of vaccinations and other “social pests”? (23) Won’t politicians, journalists, scientists, doctors, and even church representatives and artists once again join forces with the government and the pharmaceutical industry? What, pray tell, will doctors and therapists who prevent and heal differently have to do against this overwhelming power? More than during the Fauci flu?
The next pandemic is just a matter of time. Who seriously expects that alternative medicine will play a more critical role from then on?
“Leave it.” But where to?
What to do? In any predicament, a wise friend made it clear to me there are exactly three options: “Change it. Leave it. Or love it.” Try to change the situation. If that doesn’t work, try to escape her. Even if this is impossible, try to love her.
Revolutionize the health system for chronically ill people, disempower those who profiteer and pull the strings, and give truly healing, compassionate medicine the status it deserves? Castles in the air.
Should we, therefore, better come to terms with the sad “new normal” and even “love” it? Excluded. Who can convince themselves to indulge in masochism?
Escape? At least in a spatial sense, there was none while Coronoia raged: the hygiene dictatorship reigned everywhere, from Madeira to Alaska, from New Zealand to South Africa to Bolivia. And it could have just been foreplay. A permanent pandemic emergency is looming on the horizon, declared and managed by the WHO – binding under international law for all its member states.
And if not? Big business marketing professionals don’t have to wait for a pandemic to marginalize alternative healing.
What way out is left, then? Not a flight to somewhere I don’t know, but a strategic retreat – into a cultural niche in which those who object to the system are largely left alone. Public attention, growing popularity, and ample media exposure – the top three on the wish list of fans of alternative medicine – would be the worst thing that could happen to the niche dwellers. Then, they would pose a threat to Goliath because they would significantly reduce his profits.
Perhaps alternative medicine will soon have to stop attracting the slightest public attention – always on guard against a new, unholy inquisition, its henchmen and slanderers. Maybe nine out of ten practices will have to close because character assassination propaganda is emptying their waiting rooms. Perhaps a large number will lose their license and even end up in prison unless they stop spreading idiotic disinformation about the limits and dangers of conventional medicine. Perhaps those seeking help will soon only find their way to the rest through whispered propaganda – like once, in the darkest Middle Ages, to witches, who were known to spread fake news about the healing power of herbs and applied hands.
Anyone who sees the future as rosier will dream it up. It is important to wake up. When has the healthcare industry ever been a wishlist?
(Harald Wiesendanger)
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1 SwissLight, PDF; 62 kB, G. Marstedt: “The increasing popularity of alternative medicine – looking for medical gurus and faith healers?”, in: J. Böcken/B. Brown/M. Schnee (Ed.): Health Monitor 2002 – Outpatient care from the perspective of the population and the medical profession, Gütersloh 2002, pp. 130-149.
2 According to Harald Wiesendanger: Spiritual Healer – The Guide, 5th exp. Edition 2007.
3 I asked ChatGPT, version 3.5, on April 25, 2024, the question, “Does alternative medicine have a future?”
4 The study situation at the end of the last century is summarized in Walter Andritzky “Unconventional healing methods in medical practice,” Journal of General Medicine 74/1998, pp. 608-614.
5 Gunter Haag et al., “Unconventional medical procedures. Distribution among practicing doctors – results of a questionnaire survey”, Journal of General Medicine 68/1992, pp. 1184-1187. A study by the social medicine specialist Dr. I introduce Horst Wartenhof from the University of Marburg in H. Wiesendanger, “Every second doctor heals ‘alternatively,'” Der Heiler 1/1996, p. 35.
6 G. J. Visser / L. Peters, “Alternative medicine and general practitioners in the Netherlands: towards acceptance and integration,” Family Practitioners 7/1990, pp. 227-233.
7 E. Anderson / P. Anderson, “General practitioners and alternative medicine”, Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 37/1987, pp. 52-55.
8 Hans Halter: Be careful, doctor! Crisis of modern medicine, Reinbek 1981, p. 219.
9 Health 5/2000, quoted from Pulsar 5/2000, p. 28: “Doctors are bad listeners.””
10; H. Wiesendanger: The healthcare system – How we see through it, survive and transform it (2019).Das GesundheitsUNwesen – Wie wir es durchschauen, überleben und verwandeln (2019).
11 See Peter Goetzsche: Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime – How the Pharmaceutical Industry Corrupts the Healthcare System (2014).Tödliche Medizin und organisierte Kriminalität – Wie die Pharmaindustrie das Gesundheitswesen korrumpiert (2014).
12 John Virapen: Side effect death. Corruption in the pharmaceutical industry – An ex-manager unpacks, 4th edition 2008; Peter Yoda: A Medical Insider Unpacks (2008), Ch. “Timothy’s Story,” pp. 123-142; Harald Wiesendanger: The Health System (2019), p. 603 ff. Das GesundheitsUNwesen (2019), S. 603 ff.
13 According to ChatGPT 3.5 on April 25, 2024, when asked “Does alternative medicine have a future?”
14 See Harald Wiesendanger: Out of control. Why the Ways Out Foundation proceeds “unscientifically” – and stands by it (2016). Außer Kontrolle. Warum die Stiftung Auswege “unwissenschaftlich” vorgeht – und dazu steht (2016).
17 In February 2022, the Federal Criminal Police Office launched a “Central Reporting Office” for “hate” postings (“Together against hatred and incitement on the Internet”). This is intended to “enable effective prosecution of crimes committed there, such as propaganda offenses, incitement to hatred or threats.”
23 To combat forgetting, I recommend the book of the same name by Werner Reichel. It brings together 400 quotes that document lies, hatred, and agitation during the Corona crisis.
Cover image: geralt/Pixabay
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