by Dr.Harald Wiesendanger– Klartext
What the mainstream media is hiding
Because polioviruses have appeared in Gaza, the WHO is vaccinating 640,000 Palestinian children. Upon closer inspection, what looks like a great humanitarian aid operation turns out to be a hair-raising scandal.
In June 2024, in the ninth month of another war between Hamas and Israel, a poliovirus appeared in sewage samples in the center of the Gaza Strip. Four children were diagnosed with “flaccid paralysis,” presumably caused by this virus.
In an instant, the WHO knew that in order to avert an impending catastrophe, an immediate vaccination campaign was needed that included all children in the Gaza Strip. To this end, it persuaded the two warring parties to observe an eight-hour ceasefire every day in the approximately 400 places where the vaccines are to be administered: in health centers, clinics, and field hospitals. At the beginning of September, the campaign began in ceasefires, initially with over 187,000 children under the age of ten in the central Gaza Strip. From September 5, the southern region followed, and in the second week of September, the northern region. All children included are to receive a second dose one month later. A total of 1.7 million doses will be administered.
Swept under the carpet
A shining example of immediate, superbly organized, highly effective help in times of great need? Most mainstream media are silently ignoring several explosive aspects:
1. What appeared in Gaza’s sewage was not just any poliovirus but a vaccine-transmitted type 2. A weakened pathogen used to make oral vaccines had apparently regained virulence and started circulating.
2. Only one of the four paralyzed children, a 10-month-old baby, can actually be found to have the poliovirus. It was the first polio infection detected in the coastal region in 25 years. Is that enough to promptly be “extremely concerned,” as the WHO says?
3. Poliomyelitis is an inflammation of the lower, gray (“polio” = gray, hence the name) part of the spinal cord; it damages nerve cells that control muscles and paralyzes limbs, especially the legs. However, several microbes can cause flaccid paralysis, not just the poliovirus: bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum, which causes botulism – a life-threatening poisoning caused by spoiled meat, for example – and Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the pathogen that causes diphtheria; or viruses such as the West Nile virus and the Zika virus, as well as some strains of the Coxsackie virus and the Echovirus, common causes of colds, meningitis and myocarditis. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), an autoimmune disease that often occurs after infections, can also lead to ascending paralysis. (GBS is considered a serious complication of Covid-19, but is also a notorious side effect of corona vaccinations, which also took place in Palestine. All of these other possible triggers are missed from the outset by an actionist attack on polioviruses.
4. The wild poliovirus only causes the typical symptoms of poliomyelitis in 0.1 to 1.0% of those infected. (1) Only 5% develop a flu-like infection, which, however, subsides after a few days. 90 to 95% experience mild or no symptoms at all. Conditions that tend to prevail in the middle of war promote illness: poor hygienic conditions, malnutrition, no or contaminated drinking water, and not least, constant anxiety.
5. If paralysis follows a polio infection, it is by no means “mostly permanent,” as the mainstream media spread (2) – in 50 to 70% of those affected, it develops spontaneously after a few months, partially or completely, sometimes even within weeks. (3) Wouldn’t this have been expected in the case of the Palestinian child affected? Wouldn’t it have been enough to isolate him, treat him with physiotherapy, and wait?
Only one in four of those affected suffers permanent, serious damage – 0.025 to 0.25% of all those infected.
6. Poliomyelitis is caused primarily by toxins. By disrupting the functions of cell membranes, they create a direct path from the intestines to the lower part of the spinal cord behind them, where viruses and bacteria can take hold. The first polio cases were recorded in the 1800s when common medical treatments for every disease included mercury to cleanse the intestines; even teething powder for babies contained it. Polio epidemics since the late 19th century have been caused primarily by aggressively sprayed pesticides. They occurred mainly in rural areas that were sprayed with pesticides. And they ended in the 1950s, after the use of the insecticide DDT was stopped; this devastating neurotoxin had been used everywhere after World War II – parents even sprayed their children’s food, clothing, and bedding with it “to follow the science.” (4)
But if polio is actually primarily caused by toxins sabotaging intestinal integrity, why are infants and young children the most affected? Because in their case, the lower end of the spinal cord, which controls the legs, is located immediately behind the intestine. In adults, it is located much higher up in relation to the intestine – out of reach of most attacks by toxins and microbes. (5)
Children in the Gaza Strip have been exposed to toxins of all kinds since Israel’s military responded to the Hamas terror attack on October 7, 2023, with a comprehensive air and ground offensive. Bombs dropped melted building materials and plastic, released chemicals – not to mention what was in the bombs. If they fell on factories that manufacture and store pesticides, the fumes emitted could be enough to cause mass paralysis.
7. Live polio vaccines, such as those used in Gaza, are unreliable. There remains a risk that they could trigger so-called vaccine-associated poliomyelitis (VAPP) and that vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs) could spread. This is why the Robert Koch Institute has not recommended them since 1998. (6)
8. The vaccine administered in Gaza is nOPV2 (novel oral polio vaccine type 2), a novel oral vaccine funded by the Gates Foundation that focuses on polio type 2. (7) Genetic engineers are said to have modified the genome of this type in five places to prevent the virus from mutating and becoming contagious again. (8)
9. nOPV2 is not yet fully approved. However, the WHO gave it the green light as an “emergency vaccine” in November 2020. Since then, it has been touting it as “effective and safe” (“top-quality protection”) – a mantra familiar from the Corona era is turning here.
10. Since March 2021, the nOPV2 vaccine has been administered to more than 650 million children in 30 countries. Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo have already confirmed four cases of reverse mutations that made the pathogen virulent again, as the science magazine Nature reports. Because of the rate of vaccine failures, experts believe that “eradicating polio” using nOPV2 is unrealistic. (9)
11. Side effects of nOPV2 are largely unexplored. However, a study in Sierra Leone uncovered severe adverse events in 528 children after immunization with nOPV2, including vomiting (42 cases), anaphylactic reactions (2), paralysis (11), seizures and myalgia (12), and loss of consciousness.
More likely to be conjured up than eradicated
These neglected aspects reveal a devastating picture: a single (!) case of a child with both paralysis and polio infection – a correlation, mind you, not necessarily a causality – was considered sufficient to declare an “emergency” in Gaza, which supposedly requires an immediate mass vaccination campaign. The aim is to combat a type of virus that would not have existed without prior vaccinations – with a vaccine that will, in turn, cause more vaccine-induced polio. Who is pleased? Who benefits from such a thing?
Once again, the insanity of the missionary-zealous “fight to eradicate the virus” is evident: in the first half of 2024, only five wild virus polio cases were reported in Afghanistan and Pakistan; in the whole of 2023, there were only six, from the same two countries. In contrast, last year, there were 665 cases of vaccine-transmitted polio in 23 countries, with an unknown number of unreported cases.
According to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), all six cases of wild-type poliovirus infections in 2023 occurred in children who had already been vaccinated with the new vaccine nOPV2. In other words, the vaccine failure rate reached an unsurpassable 100 percent. Using such a pseudo-medicine (the Latin word medicare means “cure”) to “eradicate polio” in Palestine and worldwide is an illusion that is far from data and benefits only one person: Big Pharma and its investors. “Follow the science”? Follow the money.
Apart from that, where is the fundamental ethical principle of informed consent in Gaza? Not a single one of the 640,000 children can resist being fed an experimental genetic engineering product. How much information do their parents receive and understand before they give their consent?
“The same old pattern”
What kind of side effects could the mass use of nOPV2 in the Gaza Strip lead to? No major media outlet is questioning the risks. And nowhere is there any public discussion about who will document such side effects with the necessary care and identify vaccine damage from now on. Health authorities in Rafah, Khan Yunis, and Gaza City currently have, and for the time being, completely different concerns than tracking the fate of hundreds of thousands of people who have been vaccinated. It is unlikely that Gates will sponsor critical research on site. And so far we have waited in vain for his announcement that he will set up a compensation fund for vaccine victims. No one seriously believes that there will not be an urgent need for this soon.
“It’s the same old pattern,” complains doctor and vaccine expert Dr. Suzanne Humphries: “A war or a crisis is used to bring a new, barely tested vaccine to market.” Can it be ruled out that the WHO/Gates initiative in Gaza will ultimately have resulted in far more paralyzed children than would have fallen victim to the virus if it had been allowed to run wild?
How much better would the health of children in the Gaza Strip be if Gates and the WHO had invested their influence and money in providing the youngest defenseless victims of war with healthy food, clean drinking water, gas masks, and better wound care?
Will AI soon censor all criticism of vaccinations in real-time?
Anyone who wants to find readers for such criticism of vaccinations on the Internet may have to hurry – at least if Bill Gates has his way. In his latest media campaign, he advocates AI-supported censorship in real time to suppress alleged fake news – and this particularly includes any questioning of vaccines. Gates sees the constitutional right to freedom of expression as more of an obstacle – he wants to control public debate comprehensively and without gaps. An AI should decide which information can be disseminated. Under the pretext of “protecting” us from false information, totalitarian surveillance then takes hold. Because “this stuff has to go.”
(Harald Wiesendanger)
(1) Dr. Gerhard Buchwald: Impfen – Das Geschäft mit der Angst, 5. Aufl. Lahnstein 2008, S. 121.
(2) siehe z.B.
(3) Dr. Buchwald geht bei der Mehrzahl der Patienten von einer Rückbildung der Symptome „innerhalb eines Jahres“ aus, Dr. Humphries nennt einen Zeitraum von „60 Tagen“.
(4) Siehe Forrest Maready: The Moth in the Iron Lung, 5. Aufl. 2018, und den zusammenfassenden Essay „Die Kinderlähmung ist eine vom Menschen verursachte Vergiftung“; Suzanne Humphries: Dissolving Illusions: Diseases, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History, mit einer ausführlichen Geschichte der Kinderlähmung. Zur Kritik der Pestizidtheorie von Polio siehe hier, hier und hier.
(5) Siehe Siehe Forrest Maready: The Moth in the Iron Lung, a.a.O.
(6) Robert Koch-Institut, 10. Juli 2020: „RKI – Impfungen A – Z – Schutzimpfung gegen Poliomyelitis: Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten“,
(8) Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 30. Dezember 2020: „Polio: Neuer oraler Impfstoff soll Ausbreitung von pathogenen Impfstoffviren stoppen“.
(9) T. J. John u.a.: “Novel OPV is Still not the Right Tool for Polio Eradication, “Indian Pediatrics 61(4) 2024.
Editors note: see also THE END OF GERM THEORY